Speakers 2024

Speakers 2024



Director of Research

Dr GUILLONNEAU is Director of Research CNRS, head of team 2 at the Center of Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology (CR2TI) in Nantes, France and director of the FOCIS Center of Excellence Nantes University. After a Postdoc in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Prof. Doherty in Australia, she moved to Nantes and obtained a permanent position at the CNRS. She currently leads a team that focuses on the biology of CD8+ Tregs, investigates their clinical potential and develops new therapies to replace conventional immunosuppression in the context of transplantation and immune-related diseases. She is the inventor of 19 patents, 5 of them licensed. She is co-founder and scientific advisor of the start-up AbolerIS Pharma.

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