Speakers 2025

Speakers 2022 2025


FEMTO-ST Institute (UMR6174 CNRS)

Deputy director of MN2S research department

Quality control of biological acellular products: standardization of extracellular vesicle metrology

Celine ELIE-CAILLE obtained her Ph.D degree in enzymatic engineering from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC, France) in 2003. After a post-doctoral position at the BIOTEC Institute in Dresden (Germany) in 2004-2006 where she acquired skills in atomic force microscopy (in Daniel Mueller’s lab), she joined the FEMTO-ST Institute (UMR6174 CNRS) in Besancon (France), as an associate professor in 2006. In the MicroNanoSciences and Systems research department she is coleading (https://www.femto-st.fr/fr/Departement-de-recherche/MN2S/Presentation), she is empowered to lead research projects at the interface of bio-engineering, microtechnologies, nanostructured materials, with a specific survey in nanobiosciences and development of biochips. Since 2013, she focuses her research onto extracellular vesicles qualification, and how to combine analytical and multiscale characterization platforms for their quantification and qualification, in biological media. She is the author of 44 publications, 3427 citations (H Index = 14), and more than 100 communications in national & international conferences.

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