Thursday, October 14th
9:00-09:30 : Welcome and Keynote address (Kursaal conf room)
Introductive words, Sylvain Perruche, RIGHT Institute, Besançon, FR
Welcome words from the urban community’s President
Welcome words from the Region’s President
Welcome words from the Pôle des Microtechniques’ President
Welcome words from the National French Blood Center’s President
9:30-12:30 : CAR-T Cells (I) (Kursaal conf room)
Chairmen: Christophe Ferrand and Marina Deschamps, RIGHT institute, Besançon, FR
9:30 : CAR-T cells production
Isabelle Rivière, Memorial Sloan Kettering, NYC, USA
10:00 : The path towards point-of-care manufacturing of gene-engineered T cells
Georg Rauser, Miltenyi Biomedicine, DE
10:30 : BREAK
11:00 : Monitoring CAR-T cell efficacy in human tumor samples
Emmanuel Donnadieu, INSERM, Institut Cochin, Paris, FR
11:30 : T cell-based immunotherapies in solid tumors: challenges and perspectives
Stephane Depil, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR
12:00 : Multiplex TALEN gene-editing for the next generation of CAR-T cells in solid tumors
Julien Valton, Cellectis, Paris, FR
12:30-14:00 : Lunch (Kursaal Ballroom or BioInnovation)
14:00-16:00 : Visit of BioInnovation
14:00-16:00 : B2B Meetings
16:00-16h30 : BREAK
16:30-19:30 : IPS & MSCs (Kursaal conf room)
Chairmen: Marie José Stasia, Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble, FR
and Sylvain Perruche, RIGHT Institute, Besançon, FR
16:30 : Update on MSC based therapy in rheumatic diseases
Christian Jorgensen, INSERM U1183, IRMB, Montpellier, FR
17:00 : Developing a Biotechnology Start-up in France in the 2000’s: an ever-changing obstacle course!
Philippe Henon, Cellprothera, FR
17:30 : Driving iPS-derived bronchial cells into the clinic : mind the gap
John de Vos, INSERM U1183, CHU Montpellier, FR
18:00 : BREAK
18:30 : iPSC-derived hematopoietic cells and cell-based therapies
Nico Lachmann, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, DE
19:00-19:30 : Upcoming intervention
Camille Fialin , Treefrog Therapeutics , FR
20:00-23:30 : Evening reception (Kursaal Ballroom)
Friday, October 15th
9:00-11:00 : Regulatory & Clinical transfer of innovative therapies (Kursaal Conf room)
Chairmen: Mathieu Guerriaud, CREDIMI, Dijon, FR
and Nicolas Ferry, Paris, FR
09:00 : The Regulation of ATMP + Difficulties and succes for clinical transfer
Nicolas Ferry, Paris, FR
Hélène Negre-Trebeden, Servier, Paris, FR
10:00 : 8-month review of the innovation portal
Anne Fialaire-Legendre, EFS, FR & Stephan Roux, EFS BFC, FR
11:00 : The use of the EBMT registry for follow-up of patients treated with Immune Effector Cells derived therapeutics
Christian Chabannon, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, FR
11:30 : BREAK
11:30-12:30: B2B meetings (Kursaal Ballroom)
12:30-14:00 : Lunch (Kursaal Ballroom)
14:00-17:00 CAR T-Cells (II) (Kursaal Conf room)
Chairmen: André Baruchel , Hôpital Robert-Debré, Paris, FR
and Suman Mitra, INSERM, Lille, FR
14:00 : Understanding resistance to CAR-T cells to develop next-generation immunotherapies
Marco Ruella, Center for Cellular Immunotherapies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
14:30 : Tuning cytokine-induced signaling pathways to refine current cell therapy protocols
Suman Mitra, INSERM, Lille, FR
15:00 : CAR-T cells for childhood and AYA with ALL : current status and perspectives
André Baruchel, Hôpital Robert-Debré, Paris, FR
15:30 : BREAK
Jordan Gauthier, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
16:30-17:00 : Chemical and genetic strategies to improve CRISPR mediated knock-in
Marcello Maresca, AstraZeneca, Sweden, SW
17:15-23:30 Evening cocktail (Besançon)